Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shock is real Shock

Break is out and school's in! I'm back to the 'burying heads in scholar's journal's' lifestyle.

My first lecture of the semester is FTV1010, Contemporary Television Studies.About 7 minutes to nine, I entered the auditorium and sat at the fourth seat of the last row, my usual spot. The freshies were making lots of noise, probably excited about their very first lecture while the seniors would just chillax at their own seat.

9:15Am...Mr. Benjamin's usually very punctual. Maybe he's caught in a bad traffic? I thought to myself

9:30AM.. Still no sign of Mr. Benjamin. This is when impatient people starts to complain and grumble. I was one of them.

9:45AM.. another lecturer came in and delivered a lecture on Godzilla and Alien vs Predator. "Trust me,I'm not trying to kill time. It's related to your studies," The lecturer said. But I wasn't really paying attention because I don't remember what Godzilla was about (watched it 12 years ago) and I've never watch the latter.

After undergoing another 2 more lectures, I've totally forgotten about Mr. Ben's absence until 8+pm

Mr. Benjamin,
You're one of the best lecturer Monash ever had.
Thanks for making your lectures and tutorials so fun and interesting.
Thanks for introducing some really awesome movies that I've never heard of
I wished that I was enrolled in your class during my first year and not in my second.
May you rest in peace.


  1. I was totally shocked when I saw the fb group,
    I just got his reply email last week.
    all happened in a sudden.
    He is one of the best lecturer that I ever met too. I'm not so close to him, feel sad though.
    Hope he is doing well in the heaven. =(

    p/s: btw,is Julian Lee the another lecturer? he likes godzilla.

  2. Yup, Mr. Julian was the other lecturer who came in. Hmm he needs to do something with his hair don;t u think so?

    And yesss I'm still in shock. Sigh.. when it comes to heart attack, its always unexpected
