Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Haha these couple of days have been pretty good. Yesterday. I finally went to the post office to send out long due parcel, photos and post cards. Hopefully it reaches who it should reach soon and safely! Went to the bank and banked in my angpau money. Read about 30+ pages of the book I bought from Tokyo. And today, I finish off my Japanese homework (I usually do it a day before class), cleaned and rearranged my wardrobe. It is now color coordinated haha. Surprisingly I actually have quite a lot of blue clothes. Hmm.. And I manage to finish off whatever that I plan to do. Whoo! I even had the time to watch TV.. not bad haha.

Tomorrow's mission is to rearrange by CD shelf! It's like a metropolis in there. Poor CDs trapped in a shelf as if it's a train during the rush hour. Must use space efficiently!

If only everyday is efficient day.

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